Monday, September 21, 2009
I woke up that morning at 4:30, just enough time to change into my running gear, grab my breakfast, coffee, and bag and head to the subway. Ahhhh, the MTA on a Sunday at 5am. Nothing like it. Why? Because it sucks. Trains barely run at that time-I paced around the station for a good 10 minutes. When there was still no sign of a train, I hopped out and hailed a cab to Grand Central to take the 7 to the very end- Flushing, Queens. NYRR would provide free shuttle buses to the start. So I thought no biggie. I waited at GC for 20 minutes with fellow runners. I figured if they were there at that time, then I wasn't running too, too late. I pop out of the subway at 6:30 am (total travel time so far: 1.5 hours) to a line that spanned around the entire block. The line barely moved for 20 minutes and at this time I realized there were about 3 buses that took the runners to the start. THREE. THREE!!!! 3!!!!!! What were they thinking? Even if I had arrived at the suggested 6:15 time (15 minutes prior) I would have still been in line and still missed the start of the race. FINALLY, at 7:10am, I got on a bus-what seemed like the longest bus ride in the world. At about 7:20, we reached the race course and the police would let the buses carrying the runners through. Notice I said buses. As in more than one. We were told we would need to walk to the start!! Wait, what? You want us to trek the 2 miles to the start when we are about to run 13.1 miles?????? Clearly, these people ARE NOT runners.
I angrily walked against all the runners, to the start to check my bag, grab my number and race chip, then to cross the start line to activate my chip. I think many people from my bus just jumped in the race where the bus let us off-at about mile 2.5. I could never do that, I would just feel terrible to the other runners and I would feel so guilty for cheating. Even though, the shuttle bus problem wasn't our fault, I could still never skip miles in a race. Anyway, back to me. I can say that I had the best first 7 miles of the race. My pace was steady at about a 8:50 minute mile, I sipped Gatorade at each station, I felt good. Then the effects of hill running kicked in. First with upper back muscle pain. Then my hips. Then my feet. I slowed to about a 10:00 mile for a mile, then I kept my pace right at 9:50.
I gooed at miles 5-7 (by taking a little goo at a time) then again from miles 10-11. Gooing slower allowed me to goo while in motion and to only add a tiny bit of fuel each time. When I take an entire goo, I feel like I tend to add bouts of sprints to the run because I suddenly feel so good, then I crash. This time I stayed level. Between miles 8-12, the race was particularly hard. I felt heavy and I had to go to the bathroom.
As soon as I spotted the park where the finish line was, I booked it. Sprinting all the way to the finish. I crossed the finish line at 2:09 (official) and I couldn't be happier!!!
After all the angry running and the 2 mile trek to the start, then the subway, bus debacle, I am completely satisfied. In 3 weeks, I have another Half, the Staten Island Half Marathon and this is the one I plan on conquering and beating that 2:00 hour mark.
My tail bone hurts today-ouchie.
Why do I crave ice?
I looked up the symptoms and it says something about being Iron deficient. I know that's not the case, because I'm not a vegetarian-I think I get plenty of iron in my diet. Plus, other symptoms are cold all the time and that is definitely not me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Lab Rat part 1
So I am officially a lab rat. My department at school is doing a study on the Daniel Fast, and yours truly is a subject for it. The Daniel fast is a very popular religious fast, and is based on Daniel from the Bible. When Daniel and his crew were in prison, they refused to eat the "kings food" that the other prisoners were given. Daniel and co. ate only whole grains, fruits and veggies. Many churches and groups use this fast. You can eat unlimited calories, but NO added sweeteners ( natural or otherwise...even honey) NO alcohol, NO animal products ( completely vegan), No chemicals ( organic, and preservative free products only) and NO....wait for it....caffeine ( Yikes!)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
I arrived at Niketown just slightly before 6pm. Checked my bags, looked over the running merchandise. Didn't buy anything (which I will cover later).
Kara arrives, the Nike head coach person, went over her recent results, talked about her training and she answered a few training questions.
- When she's training for a marathon she runs 120 miles per week
- Tempo runs are 16-18 miles varying between 5:10 and 5:30 minute miles
- New York Marathon is hard! (even for Kara)
- Writes a letter to her family before each race (cute)
- Is very emotional after a race, and although we may not see it on TV, she says she cries at EVERYTHING (even while talking about crying at everything after a marathon)
- She is taking the next few months off (I think she and her husband, Adam, are trying to have a baby-that's only my guess!)
Then came time for the submitted questions! My question was the first one asked, and besides saying "Yes!", she laughed. It lightened the mood and I think I asked the question that everyone was thinking.
Madness I tell you, madness! But the overall mood was excellent and the weather was PERFECT! I couldn't ask for a better night! (Only I wish Anna was there!)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fashion's Night Out
Today at 1:00pm EST, in my Facebook inbox, I received the best news of all the celebrities:
WTF, how excited am I? So!!!!! So excited!!!! I cannot wait. My mind is racing: I need a new running outfit; should I wear my running skirt (TBD)? What color looks best on me (blues, pinks, black, white); Should I spray tan myself (TBD)? How should I wear my hair (up); What time should I get there (6am); Should I do a run prior (yes); what should I eat for lunch (omg, who knows, maybe a Larabar?); and I need a real camera. Plus, I need to practice my picture taking skills- not my skills, my learning to be more photogenic and less idiotic.
Girl's got a lot on her mind. It's not everyday you get to meet your running superhero.
I will probably not sleep tonight.
I need a list of questions to ask her... More than likely I will end up looking like a deer in headlights, but with a huge grin slapped on my face!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Labor Day!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Whew! It's Been a While!
Anna and I went for a 7 mile run that included 3 uphill sprints. We post run refueled with GM's of course, and with curly straws!
Post run photo op:
I whipped up baked tofu, baked squash, and couscous, topped with what else, ARUGULA!!
I read from cover to cover on the plane back to NYC: Jillian Michael's Master Your Metabolism-which is mostly a Whole Foods type of diet, which I already follow. However, the education on the endocrine system is what I needed. Because with all this working out and not losing weight is just plain ridiculous. Not that I am TRYING to lose a ton of weight, but I want to cut out some fat and it's just not budging. UGH! This book totally makes sense-I'm taking Spirnolactone for my Acne Cysts (which I get maybe once or twice a year) and the doc put me on the highest dose possible. This medication decreases my testosterone levels, almost to zero, and DUH! I need the testosterone to lose weight! So I have cut my dose by 75% and I am only taking it every 2-3 days. Next week I will get a metabolic panel, just in case!
My $13 salad bar lunch- I ate EVERY BITE! Fruit, Baked Chickem, Spoonful Mac and Cheese, Tomato & Mozzarella Salad. Avocado Salad (Just Avocado, really)
I hope everyone has had a nice last week of summer! :(
My buddies Tish and Stacey are here this weekend, so Wednesday (when I am back at work again), I will recap our adventures!
Happy Labor Day Everyone!
Friday, August 28, 2009
I've been scrambling around getting ready to head to Memphis this afternoon, then to Little Rock Saturday for Carol's bachelorette party. I'M SOOOO FRIGGIN' EXCITED! We've had some damn good memories come from Little Rock and I am certain that Carol's Bachelorette party will top the list! Being Maid of Honor, I've whipped up a nice goody bag for everyone this week. In midst of all that, I miraculously made a homemade, healthy dinner in less than an hour. WHAT? Let me share.
Since I went to Whole Foods on Sunday and purchased an on sale! eggplant ($1.00), I've been dreaming of Eggplant Parmigiana. This is my mother's favorite dish-we even lugged ourselves to EVERY restaurant in Little Italy to find some authentic Eggplant Parmigiana, and had no luck. I digress, so I googled the basics to "baked eggplant Parmesan" and then I followed my own ideas. And, I used homemade breadcrumbs. Ok, I already had those on hand, but still. Homemade breadcrumbs.
Baked Eggplant Parmesan
- 1 eggplant cut into thick slices
- 1 egg
- whole wheat bread crumbs and a few tablespoons of panko mixed in (3/4 cup? I suck at measurements.)
- salt
- pepper
- red pepper flakes
- dried basil
- Italian seasoning
Preheat oven to 350. In one bowl, crack open egg into and beat. In another bowl, combine breadcrumbs, panko, spices (to taste). Mix around with fingers. Dip eggplant into egg, then into bread crumb mixture. Place onto foil lined baking sheet. Bake 10 minutes one side, 5 the other, then crank the oven to 400 and add slices of fresh mozzarella cheese. When the cheese begin to bubble, they are done. Remove and top with Vodka sauce (follows) and what else ARUGULA and fresh Parmesan!!!!
Almost Homemade Vodka Sauce
- 1 jar of your favorite marinara/tomato sauce (I use Classico's Spicy Tomato and Basil and I also eat it by the spoonful)
- 3/4 cup vodka
- about 3/4 cup light cream
In a saucepan, simmer jar of sauce and vodka together for about 20 minutes. Slowly add cream to sauce. (I always add to taste.) I think I used about 3/4 cup. Maybe. Always taste. Remove from heat and dump over eggplant. Scarf down.
I also made a quick salad of spinach, fresh mozzarella, onion, tomato and spicy olives with a little drizzle of olive oil and freshly ground pepper. And we also enjoyed some crispy green beans.
Cheap and Fancy aren't oxymorons in our house!!!
Happy Friday All!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Weekend of Glutton Part Tres
Blackened Chicken on top of Spaghetti with sauteed spinach, onions and asparagus, topped with fresh arugula and shaved parmesan.
It was just so darn good and also very easy to make!
Sauteed Veggies
- Sauteed 1/2 onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- spinach (1 package of frozen spinach)
- 1.5 tbsp of olive oil.
Blackened Chicken
Coat lightly oiled chicken breasts with a mixture of the following (about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp each)
- White pepper
- Cajun seasoning
- Cumin
- Salt
- Cayenne Pepper
Smoked Paprika - Onion Powder
Preheat oven to 350. Grease a cast iron skillet with 2 tbsp of butter. When hot, add chicken and cook for about 2 minutes each side.
Throw in the oven until chicken is done (internal temp of 160)We also throw a pat of butter on each breast in the last five minutes of cooking.
Spaghetti (Whole Wheat)
Follow the directions on the box
Mix sauteed vegetables in with spaghetti and add more olive oil, if your little heart desires.
After plated, top with handful of arugula and shaved parmesan. Your taste buds will thank me. I don't lie.
Whew! All that cooking makes one sleepy little puppy!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Happy Tummy
Monday, August 24, 2009
Say it aint so
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Weekend of Glutton-Part Deux

Weekend of Glutton-Part One

Friday, August 21, 2009
Fat Day
After looking at my tree stumps (aka, legs) in the gym mirror and deciding I should probably cut out all pasta type foods, wheat, anything over 100 calories, etc, I get an nice compliment from a fellow gym-goer. Muscle lifter said (in his opinion) I have "the perfect athletic body". I really did thank him because I was having a low self esteem body day. (Of course I realize men are always trying to get in girls' pants, so I said "thanks" and moved on).
But why am I posting this: because it goes to show that a. women CAN have athletic bodies and look fantastic and 2. because so many women are down on themselves and their appearance-it's ok to receive a compliment and TAKE IT!!!
Glamour Magazine (September 2009) did a month long story on a woman and how she felt daily about her body-and took pictures each day in the same bathing suit, in the same pose. The pictures were to prove that she looked the same each day to other people, even if she felt like like a giant walrus.
I also think body image has a lot to do with the food we eat. I know when I eat like crap, I feel like crap, thus making me have a low body image. I don't like to feel bad or look bad so this is why I eat healthy and work out. Plus I am uber competitive and I like to compete with mostly, myself.
I am posting my favorite strong, female athletes. And they also just so happen to be hot!
Who is your favorite female athlete?
(PS: I don't consider Nascar [driving] a sport therefore Danica Patrick will not be on my list])
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Various Awesome Blogs
Eat, Live, Run: written by Jenna-I've been reading hers for a while (my first blog to read!!). She has easy lunch and dinner ideas. Also, she's a pastry chef. Saywhat? We'll be right over, Jenna!
Healthy Tipping Point: written by Caitlin-I read about 75 pages yesterday. Me likey. Very positive and motivational!
No Meat Athlete: written by Matt, a marathoner, vegetarian! Yipee for no meat marathons! Also nice to have a male's point of view.
The Runner's Kitchen: written by Megan-a runner since high school (and she's fast, people!). Also fellow New Yorker. I like to see where her NYC adventures take her!
Fitnessista: One of Anna's fave's. I like her recipes! Healthy and they look delicious!
Things to do While Unemployed: And of course, one of my besties, Stacey Logan. Hers is foul and funny, kinda like a married version of Tucker Max. SO really, nothing like Tucker Max, 'cept writing styles.
I hope these keep you busy, yanno for a rainy day!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Things I have learned this summer
I Hate You, Spin Class
Let's start from 10am.....(play the dream sequence sounds in your head)
My boss calls me to say she was "slammed" from a superior because I asked a question to someone in the legal department. Just a simple question to keep the ball rolling on an agreement while my boss was on vacation. But apparently our department isn't supposed to "talk to her". WTF? Seriously?! Is this lady the Queen of England? Ugh. I felt so bad for my boss, even though she is more on the side of "fuck it", but still. I guess that's what happens when I try and keep things moving along.
Anyway, after those shenanigans, I had a pretty normal day. Busy, which I like. And yesterday, my package from Target came. Of course, UPS did not leave it, so I called the number. The lady on the phone says it's at the UPS pick up center (which is located damn near in New Jersey) and I can pick it up. Sweet! Forty-five minutes later (2 bus rides and 10 minutes of waiting for a subway that never came) I get there. Man scans the bar code. Ma'am, your package is on the truck for delivery-they attempted to deliver it at 1:32pm. AAAAHHHHHHHHH! If at this point I could have blown fire out of my mouth like a kick ass dragon, then I would have. For sure. UPS man gives me the "manager's" phone number. I call and I don't lose my cool, but I am straight forward with this manager about my inconvenience. I say "LEAVE THE PACKAGE TOMORROW". Click.
At this point, I wanted to go to a bar and drink. But I didn't, because I was really looking forward to spin class. Plus, I had a reservation with Mr. Schwinn, bike 12.
I rush to class and barely make it by 6:30. People are already warming up as I walk in. I look at Mr. 12, BROKEN. Shoe holder thingy is on the floor, not attached to the pedal. Knob is missing from the seat adjustment part. My water bottle is too big to fit into the holder. And my ass/giny area already hurts. I adjust my seat, reattach my pedal shoe thingy as the instructor watches (not helping), sit in the seat, ow, readjust the seat, sit, ow. Deal with it. Ok, this will be fine.
When we start doing hills, I imagine I'm in France with Lance Armstrong and we are riding the Tour de France course together, cheering each other on over the hills. I also imagine the guy in front of me is Lance, although twas not. People in class are "hooting and hollerin' and woo-hooing". Yeah, this is gonna be good! Ass hurts, but ok.
I need to tighten my shoe thingy. RIP. I break the metal piece. Way to go dummy, but I think it's no big deal, I'm a pedalin'. Instructor says "Pick up the pace, let's go! Double time!! Double time!!" Cycle, Cycle, Cycle, Slip. F&$K! My left foot slips out of the pedal, no big deal, it wasn't bad. I slip my foot back in the broken pedal and realize I can't go too fast without my foot falling out. Fine.
I crank up the resistance and pedal. Woo, I'm pedaling like I'm in the friggin Olympics. Faster and faster then BAM. My left foot comes out and now is dangling while my right foot is still attached and the bike is still spinning. Up and down, up and down I go. My giny bangs the seat a few times. F@*K, OUCH. The instructor comes over and says "Are you ok?". I reply with a "Yes and the pedal thing is broken." He doesn't care. "PEDAL FASTER, LET'S GO!!!!!!!"
Now I am so angry by the hazing I have received from this fucking bike that I contemplate getting off, shoving it, flipping off the class and then walking the f out.
I'm putting my left foot back in the broken pedal, again and I'm angry. And what happens to Morgan Beene when she gets angry, she cries. Yes, I cried in spin class. Not real tears cry, but a pissed off cry. No tears.
I tell myself to suck it up-this totally merits a new bottle of wine for dinner. Meanwhile, I am trying my best and Mr. Awesome Teacher is pointing out the star spinners of the class giving a thumbs up. Fuck off.
Finally 45 minutes later, class is over and I Usain Bolt the fark outta there.
I want to love spin class, I really do. It's a great cardio workout and plus it's friggin' awesome cross training for running. But it's almost as if spin class doesn't want to like me. Terd. Next week I will try it again (somewhere embedded in my bones is perseverance-also embedded: competitiveness). I will need to a. not reserve a jacked up bike, and 2. wear 35 depends on my ass for cushion.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things!
1. Avocadoes-duh
2. Coconut Milk (for drinking and also for making ice cream)
3. MiMi Roll from Sekisui-except I would change the imitation crab to Prime Tuna-yanno, for the health factor
4. Sweet potatoes-to make sweet potato fries, baked, mashed, smashed, tempura-ed, and sweet potato hash
5. Cheese-again, duh.
Oh! But I need to get wine on that list too! Hmmmmm. Well, I cannot get rid of ANY of those items! Maybe I can get rid of the cheese. Nooooo, I will need that for protein. Ok, I've decided to get rid of GULP, sweet potatoes. Sad, yes! Goodbye! But hello Red Grapes and Wine!
Then I decided I would need 2 condiments, which are very necessary:
1. Agave Nectar
2. Olive Oil infused with Salt, pepper, and crushed red peppers
This list could change tomorrow-who knows. I might want to add spinach, but no, not really. I'm on a deserted island, so obviously, my deserted island is a tropical one and if Anna and I are stranded together, then, well, she can pick 5 other items and we can share!
What are your top 5 foods?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Comfort Food
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 large bunch fresh thyme, plus 20 sprigs
1 lemon, halved
1 head garlic, cut in half crosswise
2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) butter, melted
1 large yellow onion, thickly sliced
4 carrots cut into 2-inch chunks
1 bulb of fennel, tops removed, and cut into wedges
Olive oil
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.
Remove the chicken giblets. Rinse the chicken inside and out. Remove any excess fat and leftover pin feathers and pat the outside dry. Liberally salt and pepper the inside of the chicken. Stuff the cavity with the bunch of thyme, both halves of lemon, and all the garlic. Brush the outside of the chicken with the butter and sprinkle again with salt and pepper. Tie the legs together with kitchen string and tuck the wing tips under the body of the chicken. Place the onions, carrots, and fennel in a roasting pan. Toss with salt, pepper, 20 sprigs of thyme, and olive oil. Spread around the bottom of the roasting pan and place the chicken on top.
Roast the chicken for 1 1/2 hours, or until the juices run clear when you cut between a leg and thigh. Remove the chicken and vegetables to a platter and cover with aluminum foil for about 20 minutes. Slice the chicken onto a platter and serve it with the vegetables.
- I followed the recipe to a T. Well, almost. Here are some changes I would make:
- Add more vegetables, I like a ton of veggies with it and I would add an entire bag of carrots and also another onion.
- Less salt. I was mega liberal with the salt and it was just a tad too salty
- More Thyme inside
- Whole Garlic Cloves with the veggies
- I added Red Roasting Potatoes to the veggies too-turned out awesome
As a side I made Smoked Pimiento and Cheese Grits. Hello new favorite dish! When it's tweaked a little better, I will post the recipe! (and sorry for the blurry picture, Joey was bumping my arm-she went CRAZY for the chicken!)
And I couldn't complete a meal without dessert!!
Array of mini desserts from Whole Foods: Petite Vanilla Cheesecake, Petite Fruit Tart, Carrot Cake, Cannoli, Mini Vanilla Cupcake (perfect size!)
Now, get to cooking people!!
Live-in and I spent Saturday biking around NYC and Staten Island (don't go) and it was just amazing-like I was a kid again! NYC Summer Streets is here every Saturday where Park Avenue was closed from 72nd to the Brooklyn Bridge from 7am-1pm. It's refreshing to see all the bikers, runners, walkers, skaters instead of cars!
See: (yes, I took this picture while riding and it was hard!)
This is the bike I want! Jamis Commuter 2 in Pacific Blue, just in case!!
Get out there and get busy!