Top 10 Things I learned This Summer
10. Shaq is really good at alot of sports.
9. I am a pretty smart cookie. I believe my education is sticking. Good.
8. I am even more obsessed with peanut butter than I originally thought.
7. Gall Bladder surgery is serious business.
6. My husband is an excellent ceiling fan installer.
5. Time magazine is ridiculously ignorant.
4. If you treat your body nice, it will return the favor. It is your Temple. Respect it.
3. Fire ants are black....who knew?
2. Pei Wei's veggie and tofu substitution for meat in their dishes is unbelievable. So Super Duper Yummy
And the #1 thing I learned this summer:
ANT BITES SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Number 11. Schwinn hates Morgan.