Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Ahhh, Tuesdays. I love Tuesdays this summer. I do not have any classes this summer, and being a personal trainer, I work whenever my clients want to meet. And most Tuesdays, my clients do not want to exercise! Lol. That leaves me plenty of time for blogging, cleaning, cooking, and my own workouts!
I hope everyone had an awesome July 4th weekend! I know I did. It was a fun family time. My brother and sister in law are only in town a few more days :( , but we made the most of our weekend!
Friday night I ran the Firecracker 5 K for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital with BOTH sis in laws, and another family friend! we had a blast. The only problem is that the 3 of them are all about 5'8" to 5'10" and LONG and LEAN, and I am 5'5" ( although my Hubby says 5'4") and definately not long. Here is a pic:

Which one of these things is not like the others? Haha!
Anyway, we had a blast, then we went to Whole Foods and got some good grub to take back to my parents house for dinner. We got pita chips, avocados for guac ( duh), and some drunken goat cheese. YUM.
Saturday for lunch the fam and some friends came over for a cookout. I threw together a delish appetizer tray of hummus, veggies, and some Mary's Gone Crackers. The crackers are so good that even my red meat eating, velveeta cheese loving brother asked where to get them! It's always nice when we can sneak some healthy stuff in our loved ones bellies without them knowing it. ;)

We had a huge spread with guacomole, apple pie, and anything and everything else you can imagine. Including turkey dogs, and these veggie-dogs:

The veggies dogs were..........well, they were gross. Which was a MAJOR dissapointment. I was so encouraged becasue they grilled up so nicely, even if they were a little purple. The texture was even ok, but they did not pass the taste test. Oh well, I will find one I like one of these days!
After GMs and watermelon martini's for dinner ( that's right, watermelon martini's), a big group of girls headed downtown to party and watch fireworks. And party we did. thanks GOODNESS I brought along a baggie of carrots to snack on, and I found a bowl of fruit, otherwise it would have been disastorous.
Monday morning came super early ( as mondays often do) and I spent the ENTIRE day peeling wallpaper off a bathroom in my parents house for my mom. It was her B-day and we decided to paint the bathroom for her present. Yowza. Lets just say it is still not finished. Not even close.
Well, I'm off to grill some chicken for the week, do a nice long run, and teach spin tonight!

By they way, have you seen this? Truly disturbing.

Watermelon Martinis
  • 4 C watermelon
  • 1 C organic pineapple juice
  • 1 tbsp agave nectar
  • 1 jigger vodka

In blender, puree watermelon, then strain to remove pulp and seeds. Return juice ( and pulp if you want more of a "shake" texture) to the blender, add pineapple juice and agave, and blend. Combine in martini shaker with vodka, and ice. Shake, pour, and enjoy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Do you read MSN to get angry? MSN is equivalent to US weekly; look at the pictures and keep on moving. I think they compile their articles from Wikipedia.

    It is very sad that this is posted on a very popular and googled site. BOO MSN.

    Real foodies don't fast because they are always thinking about FOOD!!!

    Moderation is key with an emphasis on WHOLE FOODS and LEAN PROTEIN!!!

    Did you see the next article? Stomach stapling may cut woment's cancer risk??? So are they endorsing it or not? Plus, it's obvious, right? because you must have healthy foods or you will die (after stapling). healthy foods=wholesome foods=fewer cancers. I want to slap a big DUH to whomever wrote that one!!!
