Saturday, July 11, 2009

Road Race Series Eve

So, I have had a busy few days! Whew! My world has been crazy this week. It was wonderful to see my brother and sis in law, but I am ready to get back to my normal eating routine. Do any of you find it is harder to eat normally when you have out of town guests? My mom just kept feeding us, adn we just kept eating it!
I did manage to sneak in an AWESOME monster salad.

Thursday night, my sister in law cooked this beautiful sopisticated dinner that the whole family was planning on enjoying together. I had to teach spin class, so i was late arriving. SIL cooked bacon wrapped steak, with rosemary and goat cheese, as well as a rosemary garlic balsalmic reduction. There were some roasted asparagi and potatoes too. Now, I am not really a red meat eater. There is the RARE PMS cheeseburger attack ( I mean 3 times a year rare) and the even rar-er steak. in fact I am not sure I have even had steak in a year, and normally would not have eaten it, except she worked really hard on it, adn was really proud of her meal, so I had about 2 oz. And they were delish. Im talking ALMOST turn me into a straight up carnivore delish. Almost.
By the time I got to my parents house, my mom wasn't at the table. Uh-oh. Turns out, her first bite of steak was caught in her esophagus, and trying to force itself out. This has happened to her before, and her mother, so we already knew there were some esophageal issues. She was breathing ok, not choking, but in this situation, if the bolus came 1/2 way out, it potentially could get really dangerous really quickly. So off we went to the er, mom hiccupping, and gagging forcefully the whole way. It was enough to make you cry, becasue she was in so much pain, and frustrated the stupid steak wouldnt just come up already. Long story short, she had an endoscopy done ( accompanied by a nice demerol and valium drip) and by 3 am we were on our way home. Everybody is fine now, but we were all SO worn out Friday, and mom had a very sore throat, and instructions to eat only soft foods. For lunch, like the golden child I am ( haha) , I made her some potato soupd that was quite tasty if i do say so myself. It was VERY low in fast and high in veggies. I even threw in some of the leftover roasted asparagus as a topper.
yum yum. Healthy comfort food is the best. :)
Tonight I went to a friends 30th bday party, and we did it kid-style with a Harry Potter theme. It was so fun, adn I love the idea of a kids style bday party for the big milestones. One of our brilliant friends even made a cake that looks just like the golden snitch! I wish I had a picture of that. It was so fancy.

So tomorrow starts one of my favorite events, the Memphis Runners Track Club Road Race Series!!!!! This series starts in July, and continues through November. 2 races a month, a different distance each month. we start with 5k tomorrow, and by November, we will do 1/2 marathons!!! It is the perfect training lead in for the St. Jude Marathon and 1/2 Marathon in December. Morgan and I did our first RRS at its 10 year anniversary, and there were only about 250 runners. This year there are almost 800 people signed up and it hasn't even started yet!!!! I will be running 8 miles total tomorrow, so I am glad to have a few buddies for at least part of it. Now off to watch Paul Blart mall Cop with Hubby. Come to think of it...where is he? Goodnight bbs!

1 comment:

  1. That soup looks so warm and toasty and it makes me happy, just like running in the fall weather.
    Recipe please!
