Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bacon is not a Vegetable

Hey there Bloggies! Wait....I dont think we have any bloggies yet. Anywho, my name is Anna and I'm a southern girl living in Memphis, Tn. Morgan and I LOVE eating, running, shopping and moving our bodies in general. I, like Morgan, have grown up in a family of southern farmers. Veggies have always been the staple of the meals in my house, both growing up, and now that I am married and responsible for feeding my grown man husband with child like taste buds. I'm working on him bit-by-bit, though!

Here is a bit about me:
  • - I have a degree in exercise and sports science, and I am currently pursuing my masters degree in exercise physiology. - I am an ACSM certified personal trainer, and I LOVE my job.
  • - I LOVE avocados.
  • - I have "shared custody" with my parents of my 9 year old maltese, Khaki.
  • - I love clothes, and handbags. It's a problem really. Being a newlywed means FAR fewer new clothes, just in case you were wondering
  • - I went to cosmetology school.
  • - I grew up dancing, competitive cheerleading, and doing gymnastics, but throw a ball into the mix and I become the most uncoordinated person ever.

So most of our blog entries will chronicle our training, and healthy topics we take interest in. We are not doctors ( although we have both worked for docs), and any of our advice is not meant to be substituted for a doctors advice. We do however believe in research and any questions you may have for us will likely be answered based on empirical data, followed up by our own personal opinion on the subject. Ok, on to the good stuff!

My weekend has been about as great as a weekend could be when it is 101˙ outside. Friday night Hubby and I had date night with some friends of ours, and I ate the MOST delicious grilled sea bass with a salad and haricovert. I ordered the small portion on the menu, but the waitress brought me the full portion, and I ate the whole piece of fish!!!! Oops! Saturday morning I met a client for a workout and followed it up with my own run. Let me just tell you that 11:00 in the morning and 101˙ with no shade is NOT the best plan. I was super slow and my heart rate was sky high. Later that afternoon, Hubby took me to see "Up". Sitting in a dark, ice-cold movie theatre was divine.I finally stopped sweating. The movie was SOOOOO cute!!!!! If you haven't seen this movie yet, I highly suggest you go see it. Plus it is 3D!!!! How cool is that?

Sunday morning, was church, then meeting my mom for lunch at a cajun-style restaraunt. I chose this restaraunt because I thought I remembered them having a large selection of salads. So the 3 of us ( Mom, Hubby, and myself) sat down and the waiter came to our table. When it was my turn to order, I had a question or 2 ( of course) about the cobb salad i had my eye on. "What vegetables come on the cobb salad?" I asked. Now this waiter looks at me with a glazed over expression, and says "uh....bacon.....(at this point his eyes are straing straight ahead and getting bigger by the second)...uuuhhhh......cheese..(eyes as big as saucers)....and i think parmesean cheese." I kid you not. Really. At this point my mom and Hubby look away from me because they are trying not to laugh. All I could say was " But, what vegetables?" to which he responded "some tomatoes." So obviously I got the salad without the "veggies "( aka bacon and cheeses). And it was fine, but here is the problem. This waiter was probably in his young 20s and did not appear to be impoverished to the point of not being able to attend school. We were in a nice wealthy suburb, in a food establishment. This kid appeared to have every fighting chance at education, and he called bacon a vegetable!!!!!!! If this kid couldnt identify a veggie, what chance to the children who don't get an education have? This is my soapbox. If you are around kiddos, PLEASE teach them the difference between a vegetable and bacon. Evidently they need all the help they can get. So after a great nap this afternoon, while Hubby watched the World Cup, we had veggie burgers for dinner ( healthy McDonald's style. I will let Morgan give you the recipie, since it came courtesey of her BF) and coconut milk ice cream for dessert.....there may have been one or two ginger snaps thrown in my bowl. :) Now I am off to do pilates, take a shower and go to bed! Work comes super early Monday mornings. 4th of July is this week! Do any of you have any awesome recipies for making traditional summer cook-out foods healthier?


  1. Oh buddy. That wasn't the World Cup. That was the Confederations Cup. World Cup is next year. If we'd have been in the finals of the World Cup, it would've been crazy with media coverage. But thanks for watching it with me, even with the annoying horns that sound like bees

  2. Hahahaha. Hilarious. So what if we don't know our soccer (futbol) cups?
